Peptic or Stomach Ulcer Treatment, Symptoms and Home Remedies

Peptic or stomach ulcer is a sore or lesion that occurs on the lining of the stomach, on the surface of the small intestine, or inside the esophagus. These ulcers are usually caused by acid in the stomach, esophagus, and small intestine. It happens to many people.

Peptic ulcer

It is possible to cure the disease with regular treatment. The most common symptom of stomach ulcers is abdominal pain. Prolonged use of painkillers such as aspirin, ibuprofen, etc. can cause ulcers, but if you take anti-ulcer drugs such as ranitidine, omeprazole, etc. with these, stomach ulcer usually not occur.

Ulcers are caused by a bacterial infection called Helicobacter pylori. Also, this bacterial infection can cause inflammation in the stomach. Peptic ulcers are caused by an imbalance of digestive juices in the stomach and duodenum.

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What Is Peptic or Stomach Ulcer?

It is the most common type of gastric ulcer. Peptic or stomach ulcer occurs in the upper small intestine or in the esophagus. This Ulcer occurs when the level of the thin mucus layer in the stomach is reduced to protect it from digestive juices. When the amount of mucus layer is reduced, the digestive juices begin to eat the walls of the stomach. And that leads to infection In the Stomach that is called Peptic or Stomach Ulcer.

Types of Peptic or Stomach Ulcer:

Generally, there are three types of peptic or stomach ulcers. That is, gastric ulcer (it occurs in the lining of the stomach), esophageal ulcer (it occurs inside the esophagus), and duodenal ulcer (it occurs on the surface of the small intestine).

Who is More Likely to Have Stomach Ulcers?

In general, anyone can have the chance to develop ulcers on their stomach. But aged persons and women suffer more with stomach ulcers. Smoking and alcohol increase the chance of stomach ulcers. Again, any disease of the stomach, such as cancer can cause ulcers. Ulcers can also be caused by radiotherapy used to treat cancer.

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Peptic or Stomach Ulcer Symptoms:

  • The first and foremost symptom of a stomach ulcer is heartburn, especially if you eat more spicy or oily foods.
  • The most common symptom of peptic or stomach ulcer is severe chest pain. This pain can spread from the navel to the chest bone and even to the back. This pain is caused by acid reflux. If the stomach is empty, the pain is felt more. On the other hand, eating food or taking acid medicine can temporarily relieve the pain. But in the case of small intestine ulcers, pain also increases while eating. The pain goes away but comes back after a few days or a few weeks. The pain is so intense that the patient may wake up because of this type of abdominal pain.
  • The upper abdomen may feel a little hot.
  • May cause nausea or vomiting.
  • Excessive hiccups can occur.
  • Ulcer patients lose interest in food. There is no appetite for food and gradually the body becomes weak. As a result, there may be anemia or fatigue with little effort.
  • In severe ulcers, the patient may have red, black, or brown vomiting of blood.
  • Flatulence can be caused or bloating at any other time. There may be problems with farting from time to time.
  • If the stomach ulcer is severe, bleeding in the abdomen can lead to dark-colored blood in the stool or thick, sticky and dark tar colored stools.
  • Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness.

Stomach Ulcer Symptoms

How Are Stomach Ulcers Diagnosed?

Barium X-rays were used to diagnose peptic or stomach ulcers. If someone is afraid to do endoscopy then we barium x-ray can be done. It can also be diagnosed. The one who will do the endoscopy is watching closely, is this ulcer deep or common? Another is that if he thinks there can be a malignancy, malignant ulcers can also occur. In that case, a biopsy will be required.

Then if he sees in his eyes that there is a risk of malignancy, then he will take a biopsy. This is not possible with barium X-rays. Therefore, the benefit needed to diagnose the disease better is possible only with endoscopy.

Physicians can diagnose ulcers by first looking at the patient’s history and symptoms. Even then some testing may be needed to be sure. Endoscopy is the most reliable test for diagnosing ulcers. Many people are afraid to do this because the test is relatively difficult. If someone does not want to do an endoscopy, they can do a barium X-ray.

It can also be used to diagnose ulcers, but endoscopy can accurately show how deep the ulcer is. Endoscopy again shows whether it is a malignant ulcer or not. In that case, a biopsy may be needed. So even though it is difficult, endoscopy is the best way to diagnose the disease. GI tests and X-rays may also be needed if the doctor suspects cancer.

Peptic or Stomach Ulcer Treatment:

Patients with peptic ulcers should first stop smoking and not take painkillers. No irregularities can be made in food intake. No irregularities can be made in food intake.

Treatment of ulcers usually depends on the cause. In the case of Helicobacter pylori bacterial infection, stomach ulcers are treated with a combination of different drugs. For example, antibiotics and anti-ulcer drugs of the proton pump inhibitor family can be given by the doctor. This can cause some side effects. For example, thin stools like diarrhea. If the problem becomes serious, the necessary measures must be taken in consultation with a specialist.

Non-Surgical Treatment:

On the other hand, if there is no stomach ulcer with Helicobacter pylori, treatment is started with proton pump inhibitors. Acid blocker drugs may also be used. Physicians of peptic ulcer patients usually prescribe antacids, ranitidine, famotidine, omeprazole, esomeprazole, lansoprazole, pantoprazole. Ulcers are deep in most cases, so medication should be taken regularly and thoroughly.

Surgery is not usually required for peptic ulcers. If you do not feel well after taking the medicine for a long time, you may need to undergo surgery according to the doctor’s advice. On the other hand, in the case of malignant ulcers, medicine does not usually work. If malignant ulcers are detected at an early stage and confirmed by biopsy examination, it is possible to recover completely by immediate surgery without delay.

How to Prevent Peptic or Stomach Ulcer?

To prevent ulcers, you need to make some changes in your lifestyle.

  • Eating regularly and at the right time.
  • Avoid cigarettes or any drugs.
  • Taking medication regularly and in the right amount.
  • Eating vegetables, fruits, and fibrous foods.
  • Don’t eat spicy foods.
  • Eat less oily or fatty foods.
  • Avoid alcohol, soft drinks, or energy drinks.
  • Any medication, especially painkillers, must be taken with the advice of a physician.

Consequences of Peptic or Stomach Ulcer:

In most cases by taking proper treatment, peptic or stomach ulcers get cured. In the treatment of this disease, the patient has to take medicine regularly and at the right dose. Ulcers are not easily cured in many cases due to excess acid secretion in the stomach, Helicobacter pylori bacteria not being eradicated even after the application of drugs or complications like stomach cancer. If the peptic ulcer is not treated in time, the patient may face various problems.

  • Ulcers can cause perforation of the stomach and duodenum.
  • There may be a sudden feeling of severe pain in the abdomen.
  • There may be bleeding inside the abdomen. This can result in dizziness, lightheadedness, black stools, or anemia.
  • The stomach can become very stiff.
  • The gastrointestinal tract may become narrower.
  • If the disease persists for a long time, scars or hard tissues may form in the esophagus and it may be difficult for food to pass through the esophagus.
  • Repeated vomiting may occur and blood may come with vomiting.
  • Weight loss will happen with constant tiredness.

23 Best Home Remedies for Stomach Ulcer:

1. Fenugreek Seeds:

The dense and sticky ingredients obtained from fenugreek contain powerful wound healing properties. Boil one teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in two cups of water. You can add honey to enhance the taste. You have to drink twice a day in every week.

2. Bananas:

Bananas, both ripe and raw, contain a lot of antibacterial ingredients that prevent the infection of the Helicobacter pylori bacteria responsible for stomach ulcers. As well as keeping the digestion system good by removing acidic and gastric juices. This reduces inflammation and strengthens the lining of the stomach. So if you suffer from stomach ulcers, you can eat three bananas a day for a week.

3. Probiotics:

Probiotic foods such as whey, yogurt, etc. contain live bacteria that help in proper digestion. Studies have shown the benefits of probiotics in destroying pylori bacteria. So to get rid of ulcers quickly, you need to take one cup of probiotic food every day for a week.

4. Coconut Milk:

Coconut milk and water have antibacterial properties, which destroy the bacteria that cause ulcers. You can drink one cup of coconut milk. You can also eat young coconut shells to get more benefits.

5. Coconut Water:

Coconut water keeps the stomach cool, especially when you are infected with ulcers. The properties present in coconut water will help in healing the stomach and reducing inflammation

6. Cabbage:

This vegetable is useful to keep the blood flow in the lining of the stomach. This strengthens the lining of the stomach and helps to heal ulcers. As well as, Cabbage contains an ingredient called S-methyl methionine, known as vitamin U, which can heal ulcers. Ulcers occur when the pH level in the stomach changes. And this vitamin increases the alkalinity in the body. It also contains the amino acid glutamine which helps in the healing of ulcers.

7. Cauliflower:

Cauliflower contains a substance called sulforaphane which fights against that bacterium called Helicobacter pylori. One study found that eating cauliflower twice a day for 7 days reduced the risk of bacterial infections in the stomach by 78%.

8. Radish:

Radish contains fiber which helps indigestion. Radish also absorbs zinc and other minerals. Radish prevents inflammation of the stomach and also eliminates gastric problems.

9. Apple:

Eating an apple once a day will get rid of ulcers. It contains all the flavonoids that prevent the growth of ulcer-causing bacteria.

10. Blueberries:

Eating blueberries in the morning cures stomach ulcers. It contains antioxidants and nutrients that will strengthen your immune system and heal ulcers faster.

11. Raspberry:

Raspberry contains high levels of phenolic ingredients. It is also a great source of dietary fiber. This controls the digestion of food and inflammation of the stomach.

12. Strawberries:

A recent study found that strawberries can act as a shield against stomach ulcers. It contains high levels of antioxidants that protect the body from ulcers. Eating a cup of strawberries every day heals ulcers quickly.

13. Bell Pepper or Capsicum:

Sweet Capsicum is effective in relieving peptic ulcers.

14. Carrots:

Carrots are very effective in strengthening the lining of the stomach. It contains vitamin A which eliminates ulcers, inflammation, or indigestion.

15. Broccoli:

Broccoli contains a chemical called sulforaphane, which kills the bacteria that cause ulcers.

16. Yogurt:

Yogurt contains probiotics, lactobacillus, and acidophilus which cure ulcers. It also maintains a balance between good and bad bacteria in the digestive process.

17. Olive oil and other plant-based oils:

Olive oil contains phenol which acts as an antibacterial ingredient. That prevents the bacterium Helicobacter pylori from spreading further.

18. Honey:

Honey enhances skin beauty and heals wounds as well as heals stomach ulcers. Honey prevents the production of Helicobacter pylori, the bacterium that causes ulcers. Eat one tablespoon of honey every morning.

19. Garlic:

One cell of garlic is enough to fight off the bacteria called Helicobacter pylori. It contains antiseptic ingredients that are helpful in curing ulcers. Eat 2-3 cloves of garlic every day to get good results.

20. Caffeine-free green tea:

Caffeine-free green tea contains high levels of catechins called ECGC which heals ulcers. Its anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory ingredients are most effective in healing ulcers. Drink one cup of green tea every morning and evening.

21. Licorice:

Licorice has been used as a medicine in Ayurveda since ancient times. Licorice can build resistance against ulcers and gastritis. Its anti-inflammatory ingredients reduce inflammation in the stomach.

22. Eat Vegetables:

In addition, regular consumption of vegetables, ulcers get better quickly. If you take antibiotics for ulcers, you will also need to take probiotic foods regularly. This will increase the effectiveness of antibiotics and reduce side effects. Probiotics such as Bifidobacterium, Saccharomyces, and Lactobacillus may be helpful.

23. Foods Rich in Vitamin E:

Foods rich in vitamin E are the best home remedies for the treatment of stomach ulcers. Eat foods rich in vitamin E, such as almonds and fish.

Final Words:

To prevent Stomach ulcers, some lifestyle changes must be done. If you stay clean, eat on time, be careful when eating, do not smoke or take any other drugs or alcohol, and do not take any kind of painkillers without the advice of a doctor, you can easily get rid of this disease. Again, if you need to take pain medication, you have to take it on a full stomach and you must also take gas medication. In most cases, ulcers are cured by medication. On the other hand, if the doctor thinks it is necessary, he must arrange a quick operation without delay. Get update about health on here.


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