Arthritis: Types of Arthritis, Symptoms and Treatment

Almost every elderly person in the household has arthritis problems. When they get up, when they sit down, they are repeatedly shrinking in pain. According to WHO, more than 23 million people live with arthritis especially arthritis in the knee, arthritis in hands. Arthritis problems can have many causes.

arthritis treatment

Irregular lifestyle, hereditary, the impact of various other diseases, as well as many other reasons can cause arthritis problems. Not only older people but also younger people can suffer from arthritis. Many people do not get rid of arthritis pain even after taking many medicines.

What Is Arthritis?

So what is Arthritis? Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints that affects one or more joints. It is not a single disease but a sum of many diseases belonging to the same family.

Arthritis is inflammation in one or more joints. The main symptoms of arthritis are joint pain and fatigue, which usually occur with age.

Although the disease mainly affects the joints, bone inflammation, caries, ligament and tendon pain, muscle pain, spinal inflammation, decay, numbness are also occur in Arthritis.

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Types of Arthritis:

There are many types of arthritis mentioned in medical science. The most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. This type of arthritis usually occurs with age. This type of arthritis is caused by the loss of cartilage in the joints. And rheumatoid arthritis is usually caused when the body’s immune system is overactive. This hyperactivity affects the cartilage of the joints. Arthritis pain begins when the cartilage is damaged.

Types of Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis:

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease. Rheumatoid arthritis affects many parts of the body but mainly affects the joints. In rheumatoid arthritis, the compound ions swell, invading the surrounding tissue.

Rheumatoid arthritis can affect both the large and small joints of the body and the spine. Pain and firmness usually develop in the joint. In some cases, pediatric arthritis can have similar symptoms in children.


The most common type of arthritis is osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis occurs when the cartilage that protects your bone marrow is slowly depleted.

It causes various symptoms of bone and cartilage erosion due to aging and it results from a natural degeneration.

Osteoarthritis is often more painful in the joints that carry weight, such as the knees, hips, and spine. However, joints that are widely used in actions or sports, or joints that have been damaged can show signs of damaged osteoarthritis. In many cases, bones can become harder.


Gout arthritis is caused by the depletion of uric acid in the bloodstream. Uric acid crystals, that causes acute inflammation in joints. The toes, ankles, knees are the most commonly affected parts and can cause pain. It is treated with medication instead of surgery.

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Lyme Arthritis:

Lyme arthritis can be one of the side effects of Lyme disease, which is a systemic infection. Lyme arthritis can spread rapidly, pain and swelling will occur in the early stages of the disease. Lyme disease is treated with antibiotics.


Spondylitis arthritis mostly affects the spine. It is most often seen in the cerebellar joints in Pelvis. Your doctor can confirm the diagnosis with a positive blood test, HLA-B28.

Juvenile Arthritis:

This is the most affected Arthritis in children. It is estimated that 250,000 children under the age of 16 are affected in the United States by Juvenile Arthritis.

Post Traumatic Arthritis:

Post-traumatic Arthritis is the result of an injury to the joint. If a broken bone or fracture extends to the joint, it will damage the smooth colitis that covers the joint surfaces. The surface becomes infinite and causes friction.

Lupus Arthritis:

Lupus is an autoimmune disease that affects multiple organs, including the kidneys, skin, blood, and heart. Lupus arthritis can be systemic and can cause chronic pain in multiple joints.

Septic Arthritis:

It is joint arthritis transmitted by bacteria. Come in contact with other parts of the body such as the urethra, through blood transfusions. Infected joints are usually hot, red, and intensely tender. They often swell due to joint push. An infected joint often requires surgical removal in addition to antibiotics.

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What Are The Symptoms of Arthritis?

Arthritis problems usually appear first in the big toe. The main Arthritis symptoms are inflammation, pain, redness of the joints, swelling of the joints, etc. There is severe pain in moving the toes; Many times patients say that it hurts to touch the sheet. Symptoms of arthritis appear very quickly, as sometimes within a day and at the same time in a single joint. In rare cases, there is a pain in 2-3 joints at once. If symptoms appear in many places at once, it may not be due to arthritis. However, if arthritis left untreated, arthritis can cause considerable damage to the joints and even reduce the ability to move.

What Causes Arthritis?

The amount of uric acid excreted normally in the urine when the liver makes more than that, then the uric acid in the blood also increases. Or rheumatoid arthritis can be caused by ingesting large amounts of uric acid sources such as red meat, cream, red wine, etc., and by the kidneys not being able to purify them sufficiently from the blood.

Arthritis is caused by the accumulation of uric acid in the joints. More than 20 percent of patients have a family history of Arthritis. Notable factors that increase the risk of arthritis are diabetes, obesity, kidney disease, and sickle cell anemia. Regular consumption of alcohol prevents the excretion of uric acid from the body and it will increase the risk of arthritis.

Some medications such as aspirin, various diuretics, levodopa, cyclosporine, etc. often increase the risk of arthritis.

Is Arthritis Hereditary?

No such specific evidence (Arthritis Hereditary) has been found in medical science. However, it has been found that if one member of the family is infected with arthritis, the risk of infecting others in the family increases a lot.

How to prevent arthritis?

  • Do not do any work by bending the spine and neck.
  • When lying in bed and getting up, lie down on either side and lean on your hands and get up.
  • Apply hot or cold steam to the sore spot for a certain period of time. It is better if the time is 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Do not sit or stand in one place for long. If necessary, change the position after one hour.
  • You have to sit in a chair without sitting on the floor. When sitting, sit with your back straight and your back straight.
  • The habit of sleeping on soft foam and mattresses should be given up. Instead, sleep in a high, stiff, and even bed.
  • Avoid carrying heavy weights or burdens on the head or hands. Cannot be cooked standing or sitting in a chair.
  • Exercise regularly as directed by the doctor. However, if the pain increases, stop exercising.
  • Keep body weight under control. It is forbidden to eat on a full stomach. Eat little by little again and again. Drink some water before each meal.
  • Do not use shoes with high heels. Use soft shoes. If the pain is severe, sit on a high commode and use the toilet. If you feel more pain, rest completely.

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Arthritis Treatment:

The main goal of Arthritis treatment is to reduce the amount of uric acid in the joints and thereby prevent the symptoms and subsequent deterioration of the disease. If left untreated, arthritis can cause considerable damage to the joints and even impair mobility.

It is commonly seen that people do not want to be treated if the symptoms of the disease do not appear frequently. Medications include NSAIDs such as naproxen and indomethacin. In order to avoid side effects, it is necessary to take the medicine as per the advice of the doctor and take appropriate measures accordingly.

Steroid drugs such as prednisolone can also be taken orally or injected into the affected area. Allopurinol, colchicine, and probenecid can be used separately or together. These drugs are effective only when they are used within 12 hours of the onset of symptoms.

Best Diet For Arthritis Treatment:

Broccoli and Cabbage:

Broccoli, which is rich in high-quality vitamins, contains an ingredient called sulforaphane which reduces the chances of developing osteoarthritis. The calcium in it plays a role in the formation of healthy bones. Eat cabbage too. Broccoli and cabbage are members of the Cruciferous family. They contain sulforaphane, a compound that helps slow down cartilage damage.

These cruciferous vegetables are rich in antioxidants like vitamins A, C, and K. There is some evidence that cruciferous herbs can prevent high-dose diets and even rheumatic disorders.

Foods Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids:

Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids are much more useful in relieving arthritis pain and all kinds of inflammatory problems. Studies have shown that omega-3 fatty acids are converted into various ingredients that help relieve inflammation and arthritis pain. Marine fish, freshwater fish, nuts, sesame seeds, greens, tomatoes, etc. are rich in omega-3 fatty acids.


Garlic has been used to reduce pain since ancient times. It works great to reduce joint pain. Crush one clove of garlic and mix it with a little hot oil. This mixture relaxes the joints. Modern medical scientists have studied the properties of garlic and found that garlic has both disease resistance and disease cure. Recent studies have shown that garlic is working as antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial penicillin.


Eating any type of berry can reduce your uric acid a lot. The berry contains a compound called anthocyanin. These compounds control your uric acid on the one hand and prevent uric acid from accumulating on the other. That’s why it relieves joint pain. So bring a bag full of berries, and get rid of the lump pain.


Turmeric has been used as a natural painkiller for a long time. It contains an ingredient called curcumin. It contains anti-inflammatory ingredients that can compete with antibiotics. Turmeric can relieve joint pain or muscle pain. It is also used in Ayurvedic medicine to relieve headaches, swollen wounds, and pain.

Vitamin C:

Any vegetables or fruits that contain vitamin C should be on your diet if you want to reduce uric acid. Experiments have shown that if you take 500 mg of vitamin C every day, uric acid will go down very quickly. So whether it is an orange or a leafy lemon, you can eat at least one whole day.

Almond and Bean Seeds:

Walnuts, pistachios, and almonds are rich in protein, calcium, magnesium, zinc, vitamin E, and fiber. These nuts are very useful for both osteoarthritis (joint pain of hand-foot and spine, knee, neck, waist, hip, and shoulder joint) and rheumatoid arthritis. Fiber-rich bean seeds contain protein, iron, zinc, and potassium. Bean sprouts work well to reduce swelling due to arthritis.

Milk and Dairy Foods:

Milk, yogurt, and cheese are good sources of calcium and vitamin D. Calcium and Vitamin D strengthen bones and increase immunity.

Green Tea:

Green tea contains a lot of catechin compounds. This catechin is an antioxidant. Many believe that catechins reduce the body’s secretion of certain enzymes that help make uric acid. As a result, as much as you eat this green tea, your uric acid will be under control with the help of catechins.

Citrus Fruits:

Oranges, lemons, and grapes are rich in vitamin C. Studies have shown that people with osteoarthritis who regularly eat these fruits have significantly reduced their bone loss.

Whole Grains:

Eat as much fiber as you can. Whether you eat oats or whole-grain foods will all help you reduce uric acid. The dietary fiber in them absorbs the uric acid in the body and helps to get it out of the body. So if uric acid is your partner, keep this kind of food on your plate.


Beans are a food that lowers CRP due to their high fiber content. It is rich in folic acid, magnesium, iron, zinc, and potassium. Try eating beans for their healthy properties and high fiber.

Final Words:

Prevention is the best way to get rid of arthritis. Medications can be used to treat the disease, but it is important to stay away from alcohol and foods that increase uric acid storage. In addition, the patient should drink plenty of water, exercise regularly, eat a balanced diet, and maintain healthy body weight. But the biggest thing is, if you have a disease, you must seek the help of an experienced doctor and follow his advice.


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