Hair Loss Treatment: 20 Tips For Hair Loss Treatment For Man And Women

Hair Loss Treatment: Everyone likes to style their hair, whether it’s long or short, thick or thin. Especially at a wedding or a domestic party, everyone wants to tie their hair differently, because your beautiful hairstyle can change your old look. That’s why hair is a special part of our body.

hair loss treatment

But now day’s hair loss is a common problem for men and women both, whether you are young or not too much hair loss is very problematic for everyone. It is normal to lose 50 to 100 hairs a day, but more than that is not good. But excessive hair loss is really a pain for everyone. Many people get bald when they lose their hair.

Hair loss can happen for various reasons. Excessive tension, lack of nutrition, or lack of sleep also causes hair loss. Hair loss can be reduced by taking care of it at home. However, regular 8 hours of sleep, eating a balanced diet, and regular exercise is essential for healthy hair growth.

There are two things to do to get rid of this problem. One is to prevent hair loss, the other is to grow new hair by taking hair loss treatment. We often see different writings about preventing hair loss. Compared to that, there is less chance to know about the way to grow new hair. So let’s find out how to grow new hair.

Reasons for Hair Loss:

Basically, hair loss happens due to our age or due to the influence of heredity or polluted environment. If we can stimulate our scalp, it is possible to grow new hair on the head. Each hair follicle has a circulatory system. If it can be extended, it is still possible to grow new hair.

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Here are some main reasons for hair loss:

Family history:

If your parents have lost their hair at an early age, then you are more likely to have it. This whole thing actually exists on your genetic traits.


Whether you smoke yourself or not or someone else in the house does, the toxic cigarette smoke can change the color of your hair. Smokers are two and a half times more likely to have premature hair growth than non-smokers.

Hormones Changes:

If you see a picture of yourself a few years ago or a few months ago, you can easily understand that your hair is changing over time. These changes are mainly due to hormonal changes over time. This hormone is usually responsible for hair loss.

Autoimmune Complication in Your Body:

We have an autoimmune disease called alopecia areata in our body which affects our skin and hair a lot. People with this complication can get hair loss all over their heads and even their whole bodies.

Polluted Environment:

Toxins and contaminants can damage your hair very quickly. Toxins affect the production of melanin and increase the maturation of our hair.

A lot of Stress:

This is something that many of us believe that stress and anxiety can make a person’s hair fall, even Baldness also will occur. Many times mothers say that their hair is getting gray and going after worrying about the baby.

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Other Reasons:

Lack of necessary amount of nutrition, Thyroid problems in the body, Due to anemia, Lack of proper care is the reason for hair loss.

Take Extra Hair Care to Stop Hair loss:

Now you can get back your lost beautiful hair if you take extra care of some things. Now let’s find out about some extra hair care.

  • Brush your hair regularly if you can. Brush your hair 50 to 100 times a day. This will improve the blood circulation in your head and the hair will be shiny. After shampooing, it is better to keep the brush and comb clean. Gently comb the hair. Be careful not to tear the hair while combing.
  • We use hair spray all the time. That’s right- don’t use too much hair spray.
  • If your hair is rough, apply oil at least one hour before shampooing rough hair. After shampooing, don’t forget to do conditioning by removing the roots.
  • Many people are seen to use a lot of gel. Too much gel is definitely harmful for hair.
  • Use a pillow cover made of silk. Your hair stays on the cotton cloth all night and then the cotton cloth absorbs all the moisture in your hair. As a result, the hair becomes very dry and becomes even weaker when rubbed with a pillow cloth. Silk fabrics never absorb the moisture of the hair. Moreover, using a pillow cover made of silk will not tangle the hair.
  • Instead of using a towel to dry your hair, use an old T-shirt or an old clean soft cloth. Because the towel absorbs the moisture of the hair in the same way as the cotton pillow cover makes the hair dry, rough, lifeless, and brittle.
  • The ends of the hair should be trimmed every 6 weeks as double-sided hair is harmful to the health of your hair. If you do not trim, the number of cracks will continue to increase.
  • For hair care, use a shampoo that contains natural oils. Such as coconut oil, jojoba oil, etc. It will moisturize the hair. Shampoos with mild or natural ingredients reduce hair loss.
  • Even if the hair is slightly wet, it should be dried well. No matter what style of hair you tie, it is important to keep your hair dry.
  • Try to air-dry your hair without drying it with a hairdryer. Because the hot air in the hairdryer is harmful to your hair. If you have a habit of regular heat styling, reduce it. Occasionally you can use a straightener or dryer, but before that, you have to apply a heat protecting spray on your hair.
  • Wet hair cannot be combed. Many people wipe their hair with a towel after bathing and comb their hair. This makes the hair fall out a lot because the roots of the hair are soft when wet. At that time, if the hair is pulled, the hair breaks or falls out very easily. So comb your hair after it dries.
  • Eat well for the good health of your hair. Eat plenty of fruits, drinks, and protein. You can take vitamins with the advice of a doctor. If you get nutrition from inside, your hair will become beautiful.
  • Using eggs as a conditioner will help improve the health of your hair, as eggs contain a lot of protein. Keratin protein is 80 percent of the hair. So the egg protein is able to bring the damaged hair back to its beautiful state. Egg conditioner you can prepare very easily.

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Some Tips to Grow New Hair on The Head:

1 The first way is to massage. Need to massage hair regularly. This will increase blood circulation to the scalp and stimulate the scalp. Keep massaging the head with one tablespoon of vitamin E. Vitamin E provides the necessary nutrition for hair.

You can add tea extract with vitamin E. Mix these two well and apply it on the hair of the whole head with the help of palms and fingers. Massage for 5-6 minutes. Then comb with a thick tooth comb. Divide the hair into small sections and comb the entire hair.

After a while, use shampoo and conditioner as usual. In order to grow hair, you have to massage 3 times a day according to this rule. But do not use shampoo repeatedly. This will damage the hair.

2 The hair follicles have hair follicles. If the follicles can be stimulated through vibration, new hair can grow. Vibrating massagers are available in the market. This allows you to take a vibrating massage on the scalp in a circular motion. Pay more attention to the area where more hair is falling out. Thus vibrate your scalp for 5 to 10 minutes. You also need to do this 3 times a day to get good results.

3 Use a shampoo that will help shed dead cells on your scalp. These dead cells block the follicles of the scalp, causing new hair to grow. Because then the blood circulation in the scalp decreases. Apply a small amount of shampoo on the scalp as a massage and wash off with cold water. It should be done once a day.

20 Home Remedies For Hair Loss Treatment For Man And Women:

1. Coconut Oil:

Massage coconut oil into hair before going to bed at night. Gently massage from the roots to the ends of the hair. The next morning, wash your hair with herbal shampoo.

2. Aloe Vera:

Collect gel from aloe vera leaves and blend. Leave it on the hair for 1 hour and wash it off with mild shampoo. It will reduce hair fall as well as relieve the itching of the scalp.

3. Egg, Olive Oil, Lemon Juice Mixer:

Beat the egg yolks and add a little olive oil and lemon juice. Leave the mixture on the hair for 1 hour and wash it off with shampoo. This will stop the hair from falling out, as well as help the hair to grow faster.

4. Olive Oil:

Massage olive oil on hair and take off after shower cap. After 20 minutes, wash your hair with lukewarm water and use herbal shampoo.

5. Shikakai Powder And Mango:

Make a paste by mixing shikakai powder and water with mango. Leave the pack on the hair for 40 minutes and wash it off with shampoo.

6. Onion Juice:

Apply onion juice on the hair roots for 15 minutes. Wash off using herbal shampoo.

7. Lemon juice:

Collect half the lemon juice, soak the cotton and apply it on the hair roots. After 10 minutes, wash with shampoo.

8. Yogurt and Honey:

A mixture of yogurt and honey will stop hair loss. Mix 3 tablespoons of honey and one egg yolk with half a cup of yogurt. Now apply the pack on the hair. After 30 minutes, wash with shampoo.

9. Fenugreek and Coconut Oil:

The use of fenugreek and coconut oil strengthens the hair follicles. Make fenugreek powder, then take 1tbs of powder and soak it overnight then mix 2tbs of coconut oil, then apply the mixture to the scalp. After 40 minutes, wash with shampoo.

10. Onion Juice And Honey:

Take a slice of onion and extract its juice. Add two teaspoons of honey. Many people do not tolerate the smell of onion, in that case, you can mix rose water. Mix all the ingredients well and apply on the hair roots. Wash it after an hour.

11. Potato Egg Honey:

Blend two or three potatoes and squeeze out the juice. Add one tablespoon of honey, one egg white, and a little water. Apply the mixture on the scalp and wash the hair with water after 30 minutes.

12. Garlic:

Rub fresh garlic juice on the hair roots. This will help the hair to grow again.

13. Coriander leaves:

Cut fresh coriander leaves and mix it with water to make a paste. Apply this juice on the scalp. Rinse with water after one hour.

14. Black Cumin:

Blackheads are helpful for new hair growth. Using black cumin oil on the head and using black cumin in food gives very good results.

15. Egg Conditioner Treatment:

First, break an egg and mix 1 tablespoon of olive oil with it. Mix well with a fork spoon. Then wash your hair well with shampoo. Squeeze the excess water out of the hair with your hands. Then just press the hair once with a dry towel and let it go again, but don’t try to dry the hair. Now apply a mixture of egg and olive oil on each part of the hair. Those who have split ends will apply the mixture well on the ends of the hair. Take a shower cap and wait for 10-20 minutes. Now wash the egg conditioner well.

16. Iron and Zinc:

Iron and zinc will help transport oxygen to your head cells and help build new tissue and prevent erosion. Moderate amounts of iron and zinc play a helpful role in new and faster hair growth. Peas, nuts, liver, meat, milk contain the zinc and iron you need.

17. Vitamin C:

Guava, lemon, orange, pineapple, green chilies contain a sufficient amount of vitamin C. Helps to grow and regrow your hair.

18. Balanced Diet For Hair Loss Treatment:

To take care of black hair, you first need a balanced diet. Eat the right amount of meat, sugars, fats, vitamins, and minerals. The diet should include plenty of vegetables, fruits, and salads. Lack of minerals and vitamins leads to poor hair health and as a result hair loss will occur. In the absence of protein, hair color is lost at first. The hair becomes reddish-brown. Later the hair falls out and the ends of the hair begin to crack. Lack of keratin causes hair breakage. It is important to have fish, meat, eggs, milk, pulses, yogurt, cheese, etc. on the food list. It helps in making keratin.

19. Make a Hair Pack of Red Hibiscus Flower and Coconut Oil:

Sprinkle 2-3 red Hibiscus flowers in light hot coconut oil and mix well with the oil. Then apply the oil mixed with the red Hibiscus flower at the beginning of the hair. Leave it like this at night. Get up in the morning and wash your hair with a good shampoo. Do this every week. See how bright, black your hair has become.

20. Doctor’s Advice:

Many times the side effects of the medicine cause the hair to lose its normal color and shine. Frequent hair color changes can ruin the normal color of the hair. In that case, you can do protein treatment in hair. You can also take vitamin A, vitamin E rich foods, and medicines. Many people use hair dye to make their hair black. This can lead to various skin diseases including hair loss. It is better not to use these without the advice of a doctor. Avoid applying extra iron and chemicals to the hair.

Final Words:

Although it is not 100% sure, that the above-mentioned procedure will restore all of your hairs. But it will definitely help to recovery from the heir loss. It depends on which reason your hair is falling or you have any genetic issue or not, there are so many things depend. Although follow a good diet, eat more fruits and vegetables because fruits and vegetables are a good source of multivitamins and minerals. And go to the dermatologist if needed.


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