High Blood Pressure or Hypertension: 8 Ways To Control High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure or Hypertension or hypertension is a very common problem in our society, if it’s not treated properly it can lead to life-threatening. Irregular diet, excess weight, stress, and lack of exercise, all are one of the main causes of hypertension.

High Blood Pressure

According to a recent study, about 7.5 million people die worldwide every year due to hypertension. According to the survey, one-third of the adult population suffers from high Blood Pressure or Hypertension.

According to doctors, small changes in lifestyle and diet can help control problems such as High Blood Pressure or Hypertension or hypertension without medication.

What is High Blood Pressure or Hypertension?

If the Blood Pressure or Hypertension is higher than normal then it is called high Blood Pressure or Hypertension. However, before saying that someone is suffering from high Blood Pressure or Hypertension, Blood Pressure or Hypertension should be measured after sitting for at least 5 minutes at three different times for at least three days.

If the pressure is high three times, it can be said for sure that he is suffering from high Blood Pressure or Hypertension.

Normal Blood Pressure or Hypertension is 120/80 mm of mercury pressure. Where 120 is called systolic (heart contraction) and 80 is called diastolic (heart expansion) pressure. That is when the Blood Pressure or Hypertension is 140/90 mm.

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When the mercury pressure is high, that condition is called high Blood Pressure or Hypertension.

Blood Pressure or Hypertension can rise in two ways. Acute and chronic. Sudden onset of high Blood Pressure or Hypertension due to stress or other causes can lead to disaster. This is acute high Blood Pressure or Hypertension. This can lead to sudden heart failure. Strokes can also occur.

In the case of chronic high Blood Pressure or Hypertension, the pressure measurement may not be too high all of a sudden. But maintaining high Blood Pressure or Hypertension for long periods of time can cause damage to the heart muscle.

Because it puts more pressure on the heart to pump more blood. Apart from that, if you suffer from Blood Pressure or Hypertension for a long time, the blood vessels become hard. Their elasticity decreases.

The inner wall of the blood vessel becomes thick. As a result, the block is created and heart failure or heart attack will occur.

Blood clots can form in the arteries due to ‘blockage’ in the arteries or due to high Blood Pressure or Hypertension. That blood clot can reach the brain and cause brain stroke. Stroke can also occur if an artery ruptures due to high Blood Pressure or Hypertension.

High Blood Pressure or Hypertension is a Complex Disorder:

High Blood Pressure or Hypertension can have dire consequences. Many times there are no early signs of high Blood Pressure or Hypertension. Silent high Blood Pressure or Hypertension can damage different parts of the body.

This is why high Blood Pressure or Hypertension can be called a ‘silent killer’. Uncontrolled and untreated hypertension can lead to serious physical complications.

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure or Hypertension:

There are no such symptoms of high Blood Pressure or Hypertension in the beginning. So many people do not notice that their Blood Pressure or Hypertension has increased. That is why, after 35 years, Blood Pressure or Hypertension needs to be measured from time to time.

And if you suffer from high Blood Pressure or Hypertension for a long time, you should check your Blood Pressure or Hypertension once a week. You can keep a pressure checking machine at home.

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

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What Are The Complications of High Blood Pressure or Hypertension?

If Blood Pressure or Hypertension is not controlled, it can lead to serious complications in four important organs of the body. Such as- heart, kidney, brain, and eyes.

Reasons for High Blood Pressure or Hypertension:

In 90% of patients, no specific cause of high blood pressure is known; it is called primary or essential blood pressure. Some factors increase the risk of high blood pressure.


There is a hereditary predisposition to high blood pressure, if the parents have high blood pressure, the child is also at risk of high blood pressure.


Smokers’ reactions to various toxins in tobacco can cause arterial and venous diseases, including high blood pressure, and heart disease.


Excess salt intake:

Edible salt contains sodium, which increases the water content of the blood. As a result, blood volume increases, and blood pressure also increases.

Overweight and lazy lifestyle:

If you do not get enough exercise and physical activity, you can gain weight. This causes the heart to work extra hard and as a result; overweight people get high blood pressure.

Unhealthy eating habits:

Eating extra fatty foods, such as meat, butter, and fried foods will increase weight. The yolk of the egg and the liver, kidneys, brain play these increase the cholesterol in the blood. Excess cholesterol in the blood makes the walls of blood vessels thick and hard. As a result, blood pressure may rise.

Drinking extra alcohol:

People who regularly drink excessive amounts of alcohol are more likely to have high blood pressure.


Diabetes patients develop high blood pressure with age.

Extra anxiety:

Excessive anger, excitement, fear, and stress can also cause blood pressure to rise temporarily. Some diseases can cause high blood pressure. When specific causes are found, it is called secondary hypertension. Here are some of the reasons:

Kidney disease, adrenal gland, and pituitary gland tumors, hereditary arterial disease, eclampsia during pregnancy and pre-eclampsia, for a long time. Using birth control pills, taking steroid hormones, and taking certain painkillers.

What Should be Done to Reduce the Risk of High Blood Pressure or Hypertension?

It is possible to reduce the risk of high blood pressure by making lifestyle changes.

Reduce Overweight:

Eating should be controlled and regular exercise should be done. Once the target weight is reached, a limited diet should be followed and exercise should be continued. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. It is better not to take weight-loss drugs without the advice of a doctor.

Food Precautions:

Low fat and low cholesterol foods should be taken. For example- Khasi or beef, liver, brain, swallow, kidney, eggs should be eaten less. It is better to eat more fibrous food.

Salt control:

Excess salt in addition to the required salt in the curry should be avoided.


Alcohol should be avoided.

Regular exercise:

Morning-evening walking, running if possible, light exercise, using the stairs without taking the elevator, etc.

No Smoking:

Smoking is definitely forbidden. Stay away from contact with smokers. Tobacco leaves, Jordan, rose planting, etc. should also be avoided.

Diabetes control:

Those who have diabetes must control it.

Manage mental and physical stress:

Regular rest, timely sleep, the body needs to rest from excess fatigue.

Regular blood pressure tests:

You should go to the doctor regularly and get your blood pressure checked.

How To Control High Blood Pressure or Hypertension:

A healthy lifestyle is needed to get rid of stress. If you get used to it, you can get rid of stress a lot. Also, you need a healthy diet plan.

  1. To control problems like high blood pressure or hypertension, you need to reduce salt intake first. This is because excess salt mixes with the blood and upsets the sodium balance in the body. As a result, blood pressure rises abnormally. Not only that, if the sodium balance in the body is disturbed, kidney problems can also increase. So without cooking, avoid raw salt in food as much as possible. If possible, add less salt to the cooking.
  2. Bananas are rich in potassium which plays an important role in lowering blood pressure. At any time of the day, try to eat at least one banana throughout the day.
  3. According to ancient Indian Ayurveda, honey is a very effective ingredient in controlling hypertension. Mixing 8-10 drops of apple cider vinegar with 1 teaspoon of honey in 1 cup of warm water and waking up every day can help control problems like blood pressure or hypertension.
  4. According to nutritionists, if you mix the coconut water with orange juice and eat it 2-3 times a day, problems like blood pressure or hypertension will come under control quickly.
  5. Avoid excess oil and spicy foods as much as possible to control problems like high blood pressure or hypertension. You can put more green vegetables in the leaves instead of spicy food. Boiled or slightly oiled vegetables control calorie levels in the body. Fiber-rich green vegetables are rich in potassium, magnesium, and folate, which help control high blood pressure.
  6. Six-seven hours of sleep throughout the day is very important. If sleep is disturbed, it must be brought under control. If necessary, sleep should be brought under control by taking stress-reducing medicines as advised by the doctor. That means the biological clock has to be fixed. Not just medicines, there are some recipes or tips for uninterrupted sleep.
  7. Eat various fruits and vegetables every day before lunch and dinner. You can consult with a nutritionist or dietitian and make a healthy diet plan for every day. Fruits and vegetables have various vitamins minerals and fibers that will help to improve overall body function. And also reduces extra fat from the body. As a result Blood Pressure will slowly back to normal.
  8. you can do some yoga, like kapalvati, anulom bilom every morning, and it’s definitely working to reduce the blood pressure. Also, you can follow a ketogenic diet to lose weight.

Final Words to Control High Blood Pressure or Hypertension:

Regular blood pressure medication should be taken. Be sure to take blood pressure medication in any way. Even if the pressure is under control, you have to take medicine to maintain it. Otherwise, the pressure will increase again.

Whether there is a problem or not, blood pressure should be checked every few months. The doctor will change the medicine if necessary.

Do not take salt, no salty foods. Reduce foods with saturated fat. Reduce alcohol consumption gradually. Don’t smoke. Do not spend the day lying down. Work hard. This will control body weight. Weight loss will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness.

Reduce tension. If necessary, do pranayama and meditate. Do not take the same medicine for a long time after seeing a doctor once. Sleep is very important to keep the pressure under control. So if you do not sleep day after day, you must consult a doctor.


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