Constipation Symptoms, Cause, Remedy, and Treatment

Constipation is a common problem in our society; it happens almost every person who has bad eating habits in their daily lifestyle. About 16 out of 100 adults have symptoms of constipation. About 33 out of 100 adults ages 60 and older have symptoms of constipation.


It is because of consuming low fibrous foods, eating too much junk food, too much alcohol intake, not eating in time, etc. Constipation in long term can create many complicated diseases, so it is better to prevent constipation at starting. So let’s discuss deeply about constipation.

What is Constipation?

Constipation is an annoying and painful problem. Many people go to the toilet for hours, but the stomach isn’t clean properly. They suffer from discomfort. If the bowel movement is less than three times a week or in very small amounts, does not pass the bowel after trying for a long time, or the stool is unusually hard or dry, it is called constipation.

what is Constipation

This problem occurs due to various reasons. However, unhealthy lifestyles and eating habits play a major role in constipation. So to get rid of this problem, changing eating habits and living a healthy life is very important.

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Complications of Constipation:

Long-term constipation can lead to complications such as hemorrhoids or piles, fistula, anal fissure or gauge disease, urinary problems, rectal prolapse, intestinal obstruction, abdominal pain or bloating, loss of appetite, anorexia nervosa, colon cancer.

If the problem does not improve, the affected person needs to be tested for thyroid problems, colorectal cancer, diabetic neuropathy, Parkinson’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), anal fissure, perianal abscess, etc.

Note if you are taking any medications such as opium, morphine, psychiatric medications, calcium, iron and aluminum, and calcium-containing antacids. If constipation occurs suddenly, you must seek the help of a doctor.

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How to Get Relief From Constipation:

  1. Eat plenty of water and fluids and enough fiber every day. Whole grains, vegetables, fruits such as bells, papayas, etc. are fibrous foods.
  2. Try to live a worry or stress-free life as well.
  3. Make it a habit not to hold the stool as far as possible and develop regular exercise and walking habits.
  4. Home remedies like husk, aloe Vera are also very helpful in treating constipation. Eat plenty of water and fluids and enough fiber every day. Whole grains, vegetables, fruits such as bells, papayas, etc. are fibrous foods.
  5. Some medications are responsible for constipation (such as regular ibuprofen painkillers, iron, or calcium pills). These things need to be noticed. Foods like pizza, fast food, or pasta should be avoided. Chocolate, fried foods, red meat (beef, mutton, etc.), chips, high-sugar bakery foods such as cakes, pastry cakes, and iron capsules, raw foods, etc. are better to eat less.

Constipation Causes:

Constipation occurs normally when the stomach is not cleaned or irregular. This can be due to multiple factors, such as an unbalanced diet, the patient’s medical history, or any other physical problem. It can also be caused by certain medications at times.

According to Doctors constipation is not a disease, but a sign of a problem in the internal digestive system. Other causes of constipation include intestinal obstruction, weak pelvic muscles, lack of fiber in the diet, or lack of water in the body.

Some drugs can be purchased directly from stores that can be effective on constipation. Although these drugs provide immediate relief, they are not used regularly. Some home remedies can be helpful in solving this problem.

Chronic constipation can lead to physical problems and various tests may be done on the advice of a doctor to find the root cause. Changing the diet can help to get rid of constipation. If left untreated, constipation can lead to complications.

If it does not help, the medicine can be taken or used according to the doctor’s advice. However, these should not be taken in large quantities or regularly. This is because it can interfere with the normal functioning of the rectum.

Constipation Causes

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Constipation Symptoms:

Symptoms of constipation can be easily identified, those are:

  • Normal stomach upset.
  • Feeling of complete incontinence.
  • Difficulty or pain during defecation.
  • Stool hardening or sticking.
  • Bleeding during defecation.
  • Abdominal pain with constipation.
  • Problems emitting gas or air.
  • Nausea and vomiting.
  • Back pain.
  • Pelvic pain.
  • Weight loss.

These symptoms need to be relieved within a few hours, otherwise, they will become chronic. If a person develops any of the following symptoms, he or she should consult a physician immediately.

Constipation Treatment:

Your doctor may recommend laxatives for immediate relief. This laxative can sometimes help in the treatment of constipation but never diagnoses and cures the real cause of the disease. Excessive use of laxatives causes many side effects and long-term use has harmful effects.

People who suffer from constipation, they naturally use large amounts of laxatives, which can lead to various health problems. For those who have stomach problems, if they eat laxatives continuously, the results can be very harmful and the lining of the digestive system can be damaged. Therefore, if you buy laxatives directly from the drug store for relief, it should be used with caution.

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If a person develops the following symptoms after taking laxatives, a doctor should be contacted immediately:

  • During defecation. Bleeding.
  • Bleeding from the nose.
  • Abdominal pain
  • Nausea
  • Changes in stomach clearance.

There are several types of laxatives available in drug stores for the treatment of constipation. If an oral osmotic agent is taken orally or orally, water enters the colon, which helps in defecation. Other laxatives include oral stool softeners and oral stimulants.

Some nutrients and medicines cannot be absorbed into the body as laxatives taken orally affect physiological activity. Some laxatives disrupt the electrolyte balance. Before taking this laxative, you should read the above label and check the following:

  • What are the side effects?
  • Drug reactions.
  • Health status, diabetes, kidney problems, or pregnancy.
  • No child under the age of six should ever be given laxatives without the advice of a doctor.

Physicians recommend that dietary habits and food lists should be monitored, and with that also constipation should be avoided. If constipation worsens and worsens over time, physicians may recommend prescription medications. If there is an obstruction somewhere, the doctor can recommend surgical treatment.

Constipation Home Remedies:

Home remedies can help relieve constipation. Here are some simple Home Remedies:

Asafoetida: Mix ¼ tbs of asafetida A glass of warm water, and drink twice a day.

Ajwain: Dry fry one teaspoon of ajwain in a pan and then grind them. Swallow with warm water after meal.

Water: If you occasionally suffer from constipation, start the day with a glass of warm water that will help keep your stomach clean. Drink that water on an empty stomach every morning. Drink water at regular intervals throughout the day so that the body does not become dehydrated.

Coffee: Caffeine is a common laxative and extremely mild in nature. Make a cup of black coffee and eat it in the morning. However, caution should be followed so that no one becomes dependent on this remedy, as caffeine can cause dehydration, and drinking coffee at night can interfere with sleep.

Turmeric: Turmeric is an amazing home remedy to relieve from constipation. Although, it has many medicinal properties that can cure many diseases. Take 1 cup of milk or warm water and mix ¼ tablespoon of turmeric powder and drink it before going to bed at night. It will definitely soften the stool and other digestion related problems.

Triphala: Triphala is effective in relieving constipation. Triphala has been used since ancient times to relieve constipation. It also helps to speed up the digestive process and eliminate indigestion problems. Mix 1 teaspoon of Triphala powder in 1 glass of hot water or hot milk. It should be drunk regularly before going to bed at night. There is no need to worry about the problem of constipation.

Diet Plan in Constipation:

  • If you want to get rid of constipation in the long run, first and foremost you have to look at the diet. The diet has a special role in this regard. To prevent constipation, you need to include fiber in your diet. Fiber-rich foods with plenty of water are a must to take.
  • An adult needs 25 grams of fiber-rich food per day. The main sources of fiber are grains, such as brown bread, oats, and cereals. Various legumes such as beans and soybeans are fibrous foods. Green, leafy vegetables not only match the fiber but also have the necessary nutrients. Nuts, such as walnuts, and peanuts can be eaten.
  • Needs to drink plenty of water every day so that the digestive system functions properly. Water helps to keep the stool soft and facilitates bowel movements. You may also drink other beverages, such as fruit juices.
  • Foods rich in good bacteria or probiotics Help to digest and has long lasting benefits.

Here are some foods to relive from constipation:

Diet in Constipation

Honey: Make it a habit to eat honey every day. Then you will see that problem like constipation and not having a clean stomach will be reduced completely. In fact, this honey contains some natural ingredients that work specifically to relieve constipation. As a result, taking honey only the stomach will start to clear. In this case, 1 teaspoon of honey and lemon juice mixed in a glass of hot water should be taken 3 times a day.

Bael Syrup: Bael’s Syrup is also very beneficial to reduce constipation. 30-35 grams of ripe bael shells should be taken twice a day by mixing it with 1 glass of water at a time. In this way, if you drink Bael’s syrup for at least 5-10 days, constipation will go away.

Spinach: There are great benefits to eating this vegetable every day. So if you have a problem with constipation, then start cooking and eating spinach. You will see that the suffering will be reduced in a couple of days. Incidentally, spinach can be used in another way. If you drink 1 glass of spinach juice with a glass of water twice a day, there will be no sign of constipation.

Grapes: The insoluble fiber present in grapes helps in cleansing the stomach. So if the bowel movement is not right, try to eat half a bowl of raw grape or grape juice every day.

Lemon: The ingredient present in lemon improves digestion as well as keeps the stomach clean. So if you ever see that the bandages are not working properly for 1-2 days, then immediately eat lemon juice. You will get results immediately. By the way, you will get more benefits by mixing lemon juice in hot water.

Linseed: It contains a large amount of fiber and omega-three fatty acids, which help to keep the stomach clean. So whether the stomach is clean or not, drink linseed water every day. You will see great benefits. However, mix 1 teaspoon of linseed in a glass of water and leave it for 2-3 hours. Drink that water before going to bed at night.

Leafy Vegetables: Put leafy vegetables on the food list. It plays an important role in removing dirt from the body naturally. Cereals, nuts, oats, and pulses are included in the diet to help prevent constipation.

Sesame Seeds: Sesame seeds are rich in nutrients. It contains essential oils that are good for the body. These seeds clean the stomach and eliminate the problem of constipation.

Sweet Lemon: Sweet lemon helps in removing toxins from the alimentary canal. Also, works to reduce constipation.

Pineapple: The enzyme bromelain in pineapple helps in digestion and relieves constipation.

Watermelons: The body becomes dehydrated during hot weather. So this time the problem of constipation is common. A lot of watermelons grow in hot weather. Watermelon juice helps to keep the stomach cool during this time, reduce digestion and constipation.

Apple: We know less about the quality of apples. Apple peel contains soluble and insoluble fiber which is especially effective in digesting food. Apple pectin also ensures the proper functioning of the digestive tract. To get the best results, you need to eat at least 1 apple on an empty stomach every day. Also, there are many benefits of apples to relieve constipation.

Orange: Oranges are rich in high levels of fiber and play a special role in relieving constipation. The habit of eating one or two oranges before going to bed at night will eliminate the problem of constipation. Not juice. Instead, try to eat the whole orange fruit. It contains fiber. It will not only relieve the problem of constipation but also make it possible to cure it completely. A 2007 study found that an ingredient in oranges called naringenin was very helpful in relieving constipation.

Cucumber: Cucumber contains a lot of water. This acts as a natural laxative in the body.

Soluble Dietary Fiber: All the fibers that dissolve in water are ‘soluble fibers’. All these fibers dissolve in the intestines and turn into a jelly-like substance which helps in defecation. Oats, brown rice, palm, prunes contain such fiber. People who have to deal with the problem of constipation every day this fiber help a lot to them.

Spinach: Spinach is one of our favorite vegetables. One cup of boiled spinach contains four grams of fiber. It also contains more than 150 mg of magnesium, which helps reduce constipation. So the role of spinach in relieving constipation is immense.

Banana: Banana relieves constipation. Bananas are rich in fiber and potassium which enhances the performance of the large intestine and small intestine.

Carrots: Carrots are a familiar vegetable that is available easily in the market. This vegetable is a good source of natural dietary fiber. 6 pieces of half an inch carrots contain about 1.2 grams of fiber. The habit of eating carrots every day will get rid of constipation.

Guava: There is no match for guava to relieve constipation and lose weight. So those who are suffering from stomach problems can eat guava.

Popcorn: Many people may not like popcorn food so much. But we need to know how healthy popcorn is. And because of the fiber in popcorn, popcorn should be included in the food list. This fiber can help your body a lot. But be careful not to eat fatty popcorn filled with butter. If needed, you can make very simple popcorn at home. The fiber content in popcorn is very beneficial in relieving constipation.

Brown Rice: Although it is our habit of eating white rice, every cup of brown rice contains 3.5 grams of fiber. In addition, it is more nutritious than ordinary white rice. You can eat more different whole grains. In particular, the role of brown rice is very positive in the problem of constipation.

Almond oil: Almond oil is especially effective in relieving constipation. The laxative effect of almonds accelerates digestion and helps relieve constipation. If you mix 2 tablespoons of almond oil in 1 glass of milk every night and drink it, it is possible to get a quick solution to the problem.

Final Words:

Regular physical exercise increases digestion and stimulates the abdominal muscles. Physicians can give some training to maintain regular discipline and relieve constipation. If you are taking any medications or similar supplements, consult your doctor about whether they are causing constipation. If so, you should consult your doctor about alternative medicines. Avoid junk foods, drink plenty of water, eat fiber reach foods, and maintain good health and be free from constipation.


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